We had a fantastic time meandering through the North Laines buying penguin jumpers, fake wedding rings and fudge. My sister thought she might have stumbled across heaven when we wandered into the huge bric a brac store. A mini-city in itself, with endless corners to turn and piles of junk to sift through. A number of old postcards later, a stop in the Fortune of War was in order, catching up with more old friends and watching the sun set over Brighton beach to the taste of lager n lime... My definition of a perfect winter's afternoon! Back to the flat to jump around to Lady Gaga, parade around in our new outfits and drink wine, then out for dinner with another wonderful but lesser spotted friend. We rounded off the evening at the back of a theatre bar, where my sister drunkenly made best of friends with an older group, mostly via the medium of showing off that our mum is so great! Lovely happy tipsy smiley people.
Sunday brought starjumps on the beach and roast dinner in the pub. A quick stop in the sales to top up the old winter wardrobe and we were set. Back to the real world of train delays and lessons to prepare... My notice goes in this week. Maybe I'll head to Brighton and sell fudge!