I have to head outside, so Paul and I make our crunchy way to Strawberry Hill, St Werburgh's. It looks like a winter wonderland, tangled branches heavy with snow and kids hurtling down the hills.
We come across an 8 foot snowman, and watch crazy youths throwing themselves off the edge of a steep drop, and slide around a bit ourselves. The most impressive thing we witnessed though, was a family building an igloo. The kids filled recycling bins with snow and packed it down to form bricks, and dad set about sticking it all together. It was as high as me and as large as a small bedroom. Productive snow day!
I've never seen so much snow in the UK before, it was like a ski resort.
Lots of fun was had, and with a prediction for -10 tonight, we might be lucky enough to get a second snow day tomorrow, leaving me plenty of time for marking!
January's not so bad after all. Pretty confident of a lie-in tomorrow, I crack open a bottle of wine.
Here's to a white Christmas!
It's Narroways Hill - give it its proper, historic, name